The International School of Business recrute - ICI EMPLOI

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dimanche 23 décembre 2018

The International School of Business recrute

The International School of Business invites applications for all rank professor in the areas of:
• Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Marketing
• Statistic
• Economics
The positions are open for full time and part time applicants.

Proficiency in English is required. Applicants should be able to deliver lectures and explain complicated concepts in English. Applicants should have a PhD by the start date or a Master degree with considerable business education experience. Candidates should demonstrate excellence in teaching. Demonstrated specialist knowledge and/or professional working experience in relevant fields would be an advantage.

Applications must be submitted electronically at and should include a cover letter, CV and copies of recent teaching evaluations (if any). Please indicate if you are applying for full time or part time position.

Deadline December 31, 2018. Position(s) will remain open until filled.
SALARY: The salary is based on the university salary system; the exact salary level depends on the recruited individual's qualifications and performance.

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